This 2.5-hour event will give participants: insight into Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction initiative to implement the Ready to Rent program in compliance with the 2024 Ohio Legislation HB 50, a structured process for returning citizens to apply for a Certificate of Qualification for Housing, (CQH).
CQH is designed to: facilitate fair consideration in housing applications and provide important protections to landlords who accept tenants with such certificates.
This legislation helps individuals at risk for housing discrimination: because it is a program where the “least likely to apply” for housing are given an opportunity to acquire housing of their choice which they can afford.
Reaching out to the “least likely to apply” is a cornerstone of HUD’s guidance that jurisdictions like Ohio, through housing initiatives, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in compliance with the 1968 Fair Housing Act.
Who should attend: Reentry Advocates, Court and Judicial Personnel, Housing Providers, Case Managers of vulnerable Populations and Justice Involved Persons – anyone whose work intersects with assisting formerly incarcerated person find decent, safe, and affordable housing.
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