The next meeting of the Access and Functional Needs Committee will be Monday, February 3rd, 2025, from 2pm-3:30pm at the Access Center for Independent Living. We love to have people in-person for the meeting, but if there are circumstances that you cannot make it to the center (such as winter weather) there will be an opportunity to meet over Zoom virtually. Our address is below with parking and RTA bus information, please contact us for additional information, if needed.
This and future meetings will be open to anyone interested in participating. We are looking to have representatives from the area agency on aging, emergency preparedness coordinators, emergency management agencies, long-term care agencies, the Dayton deaf and hard of hearing community, local public health departments, emergency responders, LQBTQIA+ community, and many others. We would also love to have representation from the access and functional needs community so that individuals can clearly clarify and describe the challenges that they face and the best ways to address them. Please continue to invite organizations from the community to participate in this meeting.
If there are any topics that you would like us to discuss or cover, please let us know and we will address them!
Additional Reminders before our next meeting:
- Reach out to your county EMAs and other groups within your counties and invite them to the next committee meeting.
- Let me know if you would like any ACIL resources brought or sent to your organization to be passed out to the population
- Sign up for the ACIL newsletter to be more involved with us
- Please look into our Think This is Easy Training for Disability Awareness; we would love to have you join us!
Accessibility Accommodations:
- Zoom captioning will be enabled for an accommodation.
- This meeting will be recorded. A recording link will be available on request. Please email: Marissa Witzerman: marissa.[email protected]
- If you require a C-Print Captionist, CART Captionist or ASL Interpreter please contact me at least 4 business days prior to the meeting: [email protected]
- If you require a C-Print Caption Transcript, that will only be available if someone requests a C-Print Captionist.
- We will not have an ASL interpreter or captionist UNLESS someone requests that accommodation.
The Zoom Meeting is linked below for those who wish to attend virtually.
Access Center for Independent Living
165 E Helena St. Dayton, OH 45404
Free Parking available in lot behind building
RTA Route 17: Stop Helena @ McCook
For more information, contact Marissa:
937-341-5202 x 105 voice
711 Ohio Relay
Marissa Bergman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Access and Functional Needs Committee
Time: Feb 3, 2025 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Thank you so much for your time and participation! Please feel free to reach out to Marissa Bergman at [email protected] if you have any additional questions or comments!